About ME Nutrition


Hi, I am Monique Etkind, a Sydney based Dietitian (APD) and nutritionist, who believes one should eat everything in moderation.

I have never liked the word “diet” as to most people it means restrictive eating but to me it’s the habitual way a person eats. I have always tried to have this healthy relationship with food, which has allowed me to be successful in helping others integrate this way of eating into their lives, to achieve health or weight loss goals, without feeling they are following a regimented plan. 

My meal plans are based on the following nutritional principles: 

  • To eat regular meals
  • Portion control food
  • Increase variety of foods
  • To encourage less processed food
  • To eat foods they enjoy
  • To achieve health and weight goals in a sustainable manner

I appreciate weight loss is not an easy process and for this reason my programs provide you with the direction and emotional support you need to develop new habits and finally make the positive change your body needs.