ME Nutrition Services
ME Nutrition's Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist, Monique Etkind, owns and operates a private outpatient clinic located in Rose Bay.
Assessment and counselling services are provided on all aspects of nutritional health, including:-
Digestive Health
Food Intolerances & Allergies
Coeliac Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Liver Disorders
Kidney Disease
Gall Bladder Disease
Cancer Care
Menu Planning
Personal Eating Programs
Healthy Eating
Weight Loss and Management
Diabetes & Pre-diabetes
High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Muscle Building & Weight Gain
Women's Health and Pregnancy Nutrition
Heart Disease
Insulin Resistance
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Rebates are available from private health funds for most clients with ancillary benefits (extras) cover and from Medicare, for clients with an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) referral form from their doctor.
Initial Consultation
45 MINUTES $280
During your first consultation, I take the time to get a detailed look at your health issues and your current diet and lifestyle patterns. I will ask questions to try to get a thorough history of your health, what you eat and what sort of factors affect your eating. You will be asked a range of questions about your eating habits and food intake as well as any symptoms you may be experiencing.
I will assess your nutritional needs and other factors based on the information that you provide. More importantly, I will take the time to understand what you want from your consultations.
Based on the collated information, I will provide a detailed individualised plan that will address your issues and put you on the path to achieving your health and weight goals.
Depending on what sort of health issues you are looking to address I may need to:
1) Explain the science of your health condition so you can understand what you are working with and learn how food may influence this
2) Discuss nutritional factors that may affect your health
3) Work with you to create some practical ways that you can make these changes
Follow Up Consultations
15 MINUTES $65
In most situations there will be plenty to discuss, so it won’t be able to be covered all in one consultation. Usually clients will have weekly or fortnightly follow ups , where we address any issues of the week, provide guidance for the upcoming week/s. I also like to educate clients during these sessions on topics such as glycaemic index, labels, exercise and other relevant issues complimentary to the client’s needs.
You may like to book a few appointments in advance – some people find this helps them to keep on track, and it is also great if you have a narrow window you can attend consultations, to make sure you get a time that suits you.
Phone / Video Call Consultations
Many people find that they are unable to find a practitioner who can help them locally or you need a specialist dietitian, but it’s too far to travel.
I offer you the experience of my expertise from anywhere in the world through the wonder of online consultations.
You get all of the benefits of expert care, but without having to worry about travel, parking or accommodation.
Your consultation will be conducted the same as if you were sitting in my office. You’ll still get face-to-face time with me, and I email the resources and recipes prior to the consult so you can easily follow the main points being discussed from the comfort of your own home.
me nutritition services:
For bookings, enquiries or further information about any of the services, please inquire below.