About ME

Monique Etkind | Dietitian & Nutritionist

BSc (Nutrition) HONS Dietetics, Sydney University, 2005. DAA 04-310

Monique Etkind at ME Nutrition is a qualified accredited practicing dietitian and Nutritionist with experience in the clinical nutrition sectors.

On completing her Honours degree at the University of Sydney, Monique was the recipient of the Ullman Prize, an award received by the highest achieving Honours Nutrition student.

Monique has now been a specialist dietitian for 13 years and runs a busy clinical practice. She is focused on assisting her clients to follow a plan that compliments their lifestyle, allowing them to easily adapt to the integration of a healthy eating and exercise regime. Monique has devised eating plans for her clients using both her analytical skills and experience in the nutrition field and prides herself on good results.